Monday, December 10, 2007


I have examples of what this used to look like, and hopefully i'll get the jpegs up so show the difference of concept. OH, here:
I need to write some good copy for it. That I definitely need to come up with. The layout is pretty nice. I think it's striking. I'm using the logo/font of the logo to create different designs, so, for the example, i have cherry blossoms made from the A and J of JAL. I'm going to incorporate the L into the background somehow, just to give it some texture. See how that looks.

Actually, now that I look at it, I just may need to make more of those cherry blossoms and position the in a way that they still look like they are on a tree. That's really the only texture, so it is kinda interesting. I may not incorporate the L just because I have the L. It doesn't seem necessary. It's something to play around with.

So I rearranged and I'm having trouble coming up with a third layout. But here's what I got so far:

And with copy:

I may need a new font because I just noticed how weird "Pleasure" looks in the tag. ANd I want to incorporate the name of the company into that black area.

Oh, got my third concept. Japanese lanterns:

number 2 pencil

I did this campaign for school back in the day. And I felt it could be a really cool campaign if it was fleshed out better. I don't have any of my originals on this computer, but I have the layout without a main graphic decided:

You'd have to see my sketches to really get it. I want to have the concepts show excessive use of the pencil...seen through use of the pencil/shavings of the pencil/graphite dust remains that are then used provacatively. Something clean but still grungy. The concept I have for the excessive use of the pencil is a drawing of a woman and the entire page is covered with pencil markings. The second concept with the shavings is going to show a joint being rolled up. The third concept is of a hollowed out pencil over lines of graphite to suggest coke lines. The last two I had done before, but I think I could execute them in a more interesting way. I'll keep posting as things develop.

But I want it hand drawn, kind of like how i draw, so, I guess the graphic will just be hand drawn and a photo taken of it. Here's my moleskine cover! the back was on Moleskine Project. It was neat.

But here's a thumbnail of what I'm hoping this campaign will look like.

So, just imagine the lock at te top of this entry with that kind of illustration in the center. It could be cool.

OMG! I need to make it a ad. OMG!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007

flash portfolio

I've been working on a website for god knows how ling, but it's been a sad effort because I have, like, design ADD. I get bored of what I have up really quickly. So I wanted to make something that is lasting and that I will like. And so far, that's my online screenname (inorio) and lots of writing. So, I am working on how the copy reads and displaying it really simply. I love lotuses, so I am using an old illustration I made as a filler for my logo for the comp. But I might just incorporate it into a logo...not sure.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bic Lighters

What I love about my Bic lighter ads that I have in my portfolio is that, well, they are laid out cleanly and the copywriting is something I did, and I think I did a good job coming up with a tag line that was sassy, subtle, and provocative without being so obvious. I think it really would connect with a target audience.

But my problem wasn't the concept with it. I always looked at my Bic lighter ads and loved them, but the graphics on them weren't mine. They were either stock photography or in the public domain.

So I began brainstorming about how I would want to refashion these three concepts. i want to feep the font, because I love how hip it looks. And I liked the website at the bottom, but I also wanted to very easily give the point of your lighter options. So the three concepts are "Original" for the solid colored lighters, "Special Edition" for the artsy, pre-designed one, and "Custom," which I am making an original design for. Hopefully, I can play with the predesigned one since cropping within the actual lighter would be able to make a spin on older artwork. I'm thinking art nouvaeu or something recognizeable and classy but still provacative and sexy.

So, I came up with this first concept based off the "flick, flick, pass" copy, which I haven't placed on it, yet. I want to make my concepts and then place the copy on it. I just remember how when I was younger I would do these henna designs and paint these lace-like figures. You can see the henna influence in the Izze bubbles, especially the pear, but I wanted to use it in a more obvious way here so that the graphic grabs you and makes you interested in it. Hopefully.

That one was for the "Original" Bic Lighter. For "Custom," I almost wanted to go all out. But as I noticed, the nighter got lost in the...I guess...clutter. My diction choice there isn't the correct one, because I don't think my designs look cluttered. But I over designed it. So I simplified, and without the copy I got this:

So, the "Original" and "Customize" or whatever are laid out, and I'm pretty happy with them. My target for them is kind of this chic hipster, which I am not, but I think that I have the same interests as. These would catch my eye, anyway. But I needed one for the "Special Edition" concept, and I was thinking Frank Miller Collection or DC comics collection, because the back banner could easily be a comic strip and the light could have a cropped portrait of, say, the joker. It would have been nice as a deck where there is Catwoman's portrait on a queen of diamonds card, or Poison Ivy on a queen of clubs/clovers card...but make the clubs into ivy leaves. It coulda been cool. But I have always loved 19th century graphic art or any type of poster art, and after looking at Cuban posters or Soviet propaganda fliers, I just decided to go with art nouveau because I like it best:

The center circle motif needs to be reworked. It needs more whimsy. And the background texture in the brown is reused from the "Original" ad. But it needed a texture badly or it felt really empty. Gradients weren't fixing it either...

No, I like it.

So I needed to ad the copy...

I don't know if I like it. The tag line. I like the bottom font. But the neat little tag, I'm not sure if I like it with the other copy because it just seems like a lot of sass and it looks better being more subtle. I'm not sure if I like it being diagonal. So, this is what they look like now. I'll see what happens with them.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Izze Thing

Original look examples:

Pear being fixed but not liked:

Use of original illustration from original campaign for pear and grapefruit, but are going to have to change to look more like the new ones. Basically, i Like the colors and the basic elements to them, but i have to simplify them:

New additions because I wasn't feeling the original pomegranate and clementine:

New grapefruit and pear:

And a few more and them all together: